Big Library Tours 2 (Mandarin)
Join us for a Big Library Tour and an introduction to the University of Sydney Library's most fascinating collections, cozy study spaces, and exciting technologies!
加入我们的图书馆大巡游——了解不同的图书馆空间和服务, 并发现学习和放松的最佳场所!
Location: Fisher Library Forecourt
Join us for a Big Library Tour and an introduction to the University of Sydney Library's most fascinating collections, cozy study spaces, and exciting technologies.
We have prepared two different routes around our various libraries. This route will begin in the forecourt out the front of Fisher Library, before your guide takes you on a tour of Fisher Library, the HDR Lounge, the Quarter, Susan Wakil Health Building Library, and CreateSpace.
我们准备了两条不同的路线环绕我们的各个图书馆。这条路线将从费舍尔图书馆前的前院开始,然后由导游带您参观费舍尔图书馆、法律图书馆、SciTech 图书馆和 ThinkSpace。
费舍尔图书馆是我校历史最悠久、规模最大的图书馆,馆内藏有支持商学院和艺术与社会科学学院的藏书,以及收藏了大学图书馆最珍贵宝藏的特藏。隔壁的法律图书馆为法学院提供支持。SciTech 图书馆为建筑、设计和规划学院以及科学、工程提供支持。ThinkSpace 是我们的创意科技空间之一。