Getting Started Webinars (China)
Are you a student from China? Join us online at our Getting Started webinars for all the information you will need before starting your journey at the University of Sydney.
Whether you’re joining us from high school, from work, from life responsibilities, from another university, or from anywhere else, joining the USYD academic community might feel like a big change!
Special guest Dr Jinqi Xu, the University of Sydney interdisciplinary lecturer will talk about what your classes will be like, what your teachers may expect from you and where to go if you need help at any point.
During these online events you will also:
• Hear how the University’s Centre in China can support you
• Receive advice from current students
• Get information and resources to help you transition into the USYD student life
As the Centre in China will be joining this webinar, there may be some aspects presented in Mandarin.