Campus Tour
This is your campus, explore it!
Discover the stories behind some of University Historian Professor Julia Horne’s favourite places on campus with this self-guided tour. Find with images at each location provided by the University Archives team and listen to the
Use the maps function in the Sydney Uni App to find the locations. Look for posters at each location for a glimpse of the past, courtesy of the University Archives.
1. The Botany Lawn, the War Memorial Arch and those gargoyles on the structure in the northwest corner. A little Australiana on show, if you look closely.
2. The Carillon – you’ve probably walked past it, even heard it play, but look up and consider the size and number of bells up there
3. Chau Chak Wing Museum – this beautiful modern building is home to several collections which had been housed separately. Go right on the entry level and take time to look at the old style cabinets which were moved across from the Nicholson Museum when it closed and connect the modern with the past.
4. Graffiti Tunnel – a favourite of many. Don’t just rush through. take your time to look at the works, read the official signs. The tunnel has reflected campus and social attitudes for decades.
5. Holme Building Terrace – The terrace conjures a sense of the early 1900s. Stand on the terrace and look over campus. The original design focused the eye through the campus along an axis that is far less noticeable now as the campus continuously evolves, and the trees grow.
6. Round House – can you guess it’s function just by standing in it? (There’s a clue in the photo above.)
7. Vice-Chancellor's Garden – a true oasis, open to everyone. Return during the seasons to see it change.