Managing your Supervisor with Hugh Kearns
Please register for the event here.
The relationship you have with your supervisor will have a huge bearing on your HDR experience. This is why the SUPRA HDR Equity Network has teamed up with ithinkwell to present: 'Managing your Supervisor with Hugh Kearns.'
New PhD and Masters students tend to assume that it is the supervisor’s responsibility to manage the relationship and can tend to be a bit passive. However, it is your Research Degree, and you need to be active in the supervisory relationship. Supervisors are usually overworked, under a lot of pressure and like all of us, are not perfect. As a research student you need to have some strategies to work effectively with your supervisor.
In this workshop you will learn:
- How to deal with different supervisory styles
- Differing expectations
- How to use meetings to help you make progress
- Asking for and dealing with feedback
- Dealing with difficult situations
Date: 28/03/2023
Time: 1-3pm
Target: Any research student
Duration: 2 hours
Format: Via Zoom
Please see more information here.