Welcome to ADP!
Join us in welcoming our 2023 new and returning students to the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning.
Come join in all the fun we have at the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning.
Listen in on your Program Director's course introduction.
Meet representatives from our student societies:
Sydney University Designers' Association (SUDA)
Sydney University Experience Design Society (SUEDE)
CIRCA Journal of Architecture, Design and Planning
Explore the 3D form and design process with our Origami workshop.
Come along on a friendly tour of our building facilities led by our own ADP student mentors - ask them any and every question you can think of to test their knowledge!
Join in on the ADP design challenge where we innovate using design briefs provided by The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (https://www.thersa.org/student-design-awards/design-briefs).
Come along and meet your peers and our academic staff at our networking and drinks event.
Don't miss out and make sure you registered for all our other faculty events for the 2023 Welcome Week at the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning.
Please contact adp.studentlife@sydney.edu.au for any questions regarding the ADP faculty 2023 Welcome Week.