Getting Started at ADP!
Join us in welcoming our 2023 new and returning students to the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning.
Hear from our Head of School and Dean, Professor Robyn Dowling and our Associate Dean of Education, Dr Arianna Brambilla on how to thrive in your first semester!
Learn more about student life and the activities we have planned for you from our Associate Dean of Student Life, Dr Simon Weir.
Drop-in for an informative session on Educational Integrity and Academic Referencing!
And hear from some of our favourite student societies:
Sydney University Designers' Association (SUDA)
Sydney University Experience Design Society (SUEDE)
CIRCA Journal of Architecture, Design and Planning
Join in and experience a traditional Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony!
Meet your peers at our lunch and networking event - make sure you ask for a copy of our design books which include key works from our 2022 graduating students.
Don't miss out and make sure you registered for all our other faculty events for the 2023 Welcome Week at the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning.
Please contact adp.studentlife@sydney.edu.au for any questions regarding the ADP faculty 2023 Welcome Week.