Welcome to your TechSpace
Introducing the Library’s 2 hands-on technology spaces: ThinkSpace at the SciTech Library, and CreateSpace at Susan Wakil Health Building Library. Each space is equipped with creative technologies available for students to book and use for free.
Equipment includes:
- 3D Printers
- 3D Scanner
- Virtual Reality
- Video Studio
- Audio Studio
- Vinyl Cutter
- Soldering Station and more...
Email Event Organiser: library.welcome-week@sydney.edu.au
Additional Information:
The Library’s Peer Learning Advisor (PLA) team staff the spaces to assist you with any queries about the technologies, studying@Sydney and navigating uni life. The PLAs deliver training sessions during semester to help you learn how to use each of the technologies, and help you skill up to create your own projects, designs and prototypes.