Big Library Tour
The Big Library Tour - find out the best places to study and chill, and be guided around some of the highlights of the University of Sydney Library locations.
Meet us outside Fisher Library!
We have prepared different routes around our Libraries:
- 28 July - Join us for the tour of Fisher and Law libraries, heading to SciTech and ThinkSpace.
- 29 July and 1 August - Join us for the tour of Fisher Library, heading to the SWHB and CreateSpace via the Quarter.
- 2 August - Join us for the tour in Mandarin of Fisher and Law libraries, heading to SciTech and ThinkSpace.
- 图书馆之旅 - 找到最好的学习和放松的地方。你将在引导下找到悉尼大学图书馆的一些亮点。 加入我们的图书馆之旅,参观Fisher图书馆和Law图书馆,并前往 SciTech图书馆 和 ThinkSpace。
Fisher Library supports the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Business School.
The SciTech Library supports the Faculty of Science (including agriculture and veterinary science); Architecture, Design and Planning; Engineering; and Medicine and Health.
The Susan Wakil Health Building Library (or SWHB) supports the Faculty of Medicine and Health, with a focus on health sciences and nursing.
The Quarter is a dedicated postgraduate coursework study space.
CreateSpace and ThinkSpace are technology and creative play spaces, aimed at sparking ideas and providing opportunities for collaboration.
Big Library Tour takes around an hour and includes walking around campus, so please bring water, consider the weather, and use UV protection or bring an umbrella!
Conditions of Entry
- Maintain physical distancing (keep 1.5m away from others).
- Avoid physical greetings.
- Wash your hands regularly.
- Practise cough etiquette (coughing or sneezing into your elbow or tissue)
Do not enter if you:
- Are feeling unwell with any COVID-19 symptoms
- Have tested positive. Refer to NSW Health guidance
We encourage you to wear a mask in indoor settings or where physical distancing is not possible.
If you are no longer able to attend, please consider attending our online events.
We look forward to welcoming you. Thank you.