Wise Waste
Confused which part of your container goes in which bin? Wondering if you can put dairy in the organics? No waste question too silly to ask – no shame here! Ask our friendly student ambassadors about the different waste streams we have available on campus. Sort your waste out and contribute to our Zero Waste to Landfill target by 2030! The Wise Waste ambassadors will be stationed around the busier parts of welcome wins near the different waste bins.
Email Event Organiser: university.sustainability@sydney.edu.au
Additional Information:
Find out more about our Sustainability Strategy: sydney.edu.au/sustainability
Find out more about our waste targets: Waste, water and recycling
Follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/sustainability_usyd
Sign up to the Sustainability mailing list: https://signup.e2ma.net/signup/1965228/1930856/